Richard E. Grant – Official Website


A Behind The Scenes Snippet From Bram Stoker’s Dracula


Sapphiscribe’s Musings Over Darkness And Light – 30th October, 2011

They say you are a man of good… taste.

I recently found an article on Saffina Desforges’s blog which I thought I would include a snippet from here on The Temple site as it’s of a REG-related nature. It was a guest posting by Andrew Biss who is an award-winning author and playwright and, as it turns out, is a former actor. His dark contemporary fantasy “The End of the World” is available now on Amazon. On the guest post he writes:

“Many years ago, when I was still working as an actor, I was hired as Richard E. Grant’s photo double for the Francis Ford Coppola film “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. As a photo double it’s somewhat important to look vaguely like the actor you’re doubling (I don’t look like Richard particularly) but more important to have the same physical proportions/measurements, as you share the same costumes and need to look proportionate in long shots, etc. One day on the set, the second unit director, Francis’ son Roman Coppola, asked me if I’d be interested in doing a stunt shot, which would include the added bonus of “stunt pay”. I immediately said yes, of course, without bothering to ask what the actual stunt entailed, the lure of stunt pay blinding me to everything else.”

To read the entire blog post, just head over to Sapphiscribe’s Musings Over Darkness And Light blog.

As mentioned before Andrew’s latest book (pictured at right) is available from His new book, a psychological thriller titled “Schism”, will be released in November. For those of you interested in Andrew’s work his website can be found at

This page has been filed under 2011, News.