Richard E. Grant – Official Website


“Actors Talk Preposterous Nonsense”


I received this one from three people today – Sue W, Stargazer and REG himself. I thought, with so much enthusiasm, I should put this up straight away. Enjoy!

Richard E Grant still talks darkly about a period in 1985 when he was unemployed for a full nine months.

“When you’ve been around as long as I have, it sounds disingenuous to say you’re anxious about work, and I’m not here to sing the blues about it,” he says. “But that left a great big mark on me.”

At the moment Grant is hardly under-employed; in fact, it’s rather difficult to avoid him. His are the honeyed tones of the villain in Tim Burton’s animated fairytale Corpse Bride.

He’s just finished Above and Beyond, a “gung-ho” TV mini-series about flying Hurricane bombers across the North Atlantic in the winter of 1940. Wah-Wah, his debut as a writer-director, opens early next year. And he’s presently starring in Simon Gray’s comedy Otherwise Engaged, which arrives in the West End next week.

To read more, click here.

This page has been filed under 2005, News.