Captain Star
Animated TV series (Captain Jim Star – Voice)
An hilarious animated TV series, based on the cartoons of Steven Appleby. REG stars as the voice of rocketship captain Jim Star, an intergalactic salesman and the greatest hero the Universe has ever known. He also has a fondness for tomatoes. He and his crew journey through the vast reaches of space on their ship “the Boiling Hell”, discovering new planets and naming them all after Captain Star, then attempting to sell pointless things to the inhabitants.
Star is vain, arrogant and paranoid and feels his talents are being wasted, especially as they await orders from mission control on the edge of the universe and none come. Adrian Edmondson provides the voice of Atomic Engine Stoker “Limbs” Jones, who is a mutant with nine heads and six arms.
Best REG line: I think I can resist the blandishments of any carpet, Scarlette.