Comic Relief
15th March 1999

REG guested on this years Comic Relief charity show. He appeared as Doctor Who in a satirical version of the show, along with Hugh Grant (NO RELATION!!!), Rowan Atkinson and several other famous faces.
According to Lesley, he looked fantastic and fitted the role of a manic, finely dressed Doctor perfectly. Remember also that Withnail and I co-star Paul McGann was really an incarnation of Doctor Who in the most recent TV movie.
This listing is from the IMDB Movie Database, and includes a review of the show.
“Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death” (1999)
Directed by John Henderson
Rowan Atkinson: The Doctor#9
Richard E. Grant: The Doctor #10
Jonathan Pryce: The Master
Jim Broadbent: The Doctor #11
Hugh Grant: The Doctor #12
Joanna Lumley: The Doctor
Julia Sawalha: Emma
Other Info: Date: 15 March 1999
“In the case of Richard E Grant, he had simply no idea what he was doing. He had never ever seen Doctor Who because he grew up in Swaziland, he hadn’t read the rest of the script, he had no idea why Rowan Atkinson was turning into him and why he was turning into Jim Broadbent, what Daleks were and why there was a telephone kiosk in the corner of the room! He was absolutely confused. He just came in, did it and went away while Rowan stood by looking grumpy, then took his coat back and carried on with the rest of the show.”