Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Extra Trailers


There’s now an alternative version of the Monsieur N trailer up on the Temple. You may recall that we’d made mention a few months back that it was around, and I think we even included a link for it? However, external links being what they are, we’ve decided to put it up on the site herehere. It’s almost 16 megabytes, so those of you with dial-up connections will have to wait about an hour to see it. Those lucky buggers with broadband will have to wait an EXTREMELY LONG minute or so! :-)

I’ll also be including one or two pics of REG’s appearance in the film (OK, so he’s an animated character but what the heck – It’s still REG!)

If anyone out there happens to spot a REG trailer that we haven’t already got up on the site – or any other REG related multimedia for that matter – then please drop me an email with the URL and I’ll see if I can grab it.

This page has been filed under 2003, News.