Hudson Hawk
Action / Comedy (Darwin Mayflower)
Ignore absolutely everything you’ve heard about this film, it’s brilliant! The combination of REG and Sandra Bernhard as Darwin and Minerva Mayflower is quite simply a stroke of genius. I loved everything about this film, from the candy bar eating CIA, to Leonardo Da Vinci. Even Danny Aiello’s ridiculous re-writing of the ending to preserve his character from a firey death. The whole film just works. The bad press and torturous working conditions meant that REG has ended up hating this movie, but his performance as the most outrageous villain is just fabulous and I think it goes to prove that he works best under pressure. Stop what you’re doing, and rush to the video store NOW! Go watch this film!
Best REG line: “I’ll torture you so slowly, you’ll think it’s a CAREER!”
April likes: “If Leonardo were alive now he would be eating sushi with us naked in a limo!”
To read the shooting script for Hudson Hawk click here. This script has an alternate ending to the actual film. (There were MANY rewrites!) It’s seven webpages of delicious stupidity!
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