Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Latest News From REG…


“Otherwise Engaged” finishes at the Criterion theatre at the end of January. Richard is then doing a film titled “Penelope” which is shooting in London. REG is playing husband to Catherine O’Hara, and the father of Christina Ricci. Reece Witherspoon is also co-starring in the film.

As announced earlier on the site, “Wah-Wah” is the closing night film at the Palm Springs film festival on the 17th January and Nicholas Hoult will be attending. It’s due for release in the States and Canada at the end of April, but REG is not sure when Hopscotch (the distributors) are releasing it in Australia yet. “Wah-Wah” also opens in South Africa on the 5th Of May.

This page has been filed under 2006, News.