Pat’s Page
Pat Huba has long been the unofficial REG Temple "merchandiser" for some time now, creating postcards, fan club membership cards, calendars, collages and various bits and pieces for other REG fans, using her vast array of graphics programs.
Pat is also the prime instigator behind the popular "Birthday Books", in which either a web-based or a real (hold-in-the-hand) book is presented to REG by the fans to celebrate his birthday on May 5th. It’s usually Pat who collects, collates and designs the books to be presented, and we at the Temple are very grateful to her for spending the time in doing that each year. For those of you want to have a look at the Birthday Books, just click the links on the menu bar.
In 2003 the REG Temple opened up the official REG Temple online store, but Pat still keeps us supplied with her latest creations. To see more of Pat’s artwork just click on the links.

Trial And Retribution III sketch by Pat Huba.