REG DVD’s – Bonuses Or Nought

Pat has sent me some pics from the Jack And Sarah DVD which I’ve just set up on the site. To see them just click the image above.
The DVD also has the original theatrical trailer but that’s about it as far as “extras” go, i’m afraid. The Region 1 DVD is the same as the PAL VHS version and the difference between the UK and US VHS’s is basically the language (or the lack thereof) in three of the scenes.
In the NTSC VHS Jack’s opening lines in the park scene with his Dad is omitted and the line “Bull shit, I’m pissed” was changed to “Balderdash, I’m drunk.” That’s understandable as “pissed” in the US doesn’t mean drunk, but rather “really, really mad.” The Region1 DVD, however, is the British version with it’s “pissed” and “fucked up” references intact.
It’s also interesting to note that although they changed Jack’s line with this Dad from “pissed” to “drunk” but they didn’t change Sarah’s “pissed” from the scene after she talks on the phone about friends coming to dinner?
If anyone in the UK (especially) is interested in getting a copy of this it’s currently on sale for just £7.99 from HMV. A bargain at that price!
Also at WH Smiths you can find the DVD of Withnail And I with a few cool extras. Apparently there’s an interview with both Bruce Robinson and Richard E Grant on it and I can tell you that they take the pee out of each other a bit. There’s also a commentary by Paul McGann and Ralph Brown which can be rather intrusive at times, but it’s nonetheless interesting to hear the stories that emerge out of the woodwork, such as the fact that Paul had only had his driving licensee for 3 or 4 weeks when he was required to drive the powerful Jaguar. In some scenes Bruce Robinson is actually driving it, not Paul. There are lots of little anecdotes from Paul (and some from Ralph) about things that happened during the making of the film, such as the crew finding it so funny that they couldn’t help laughing (which was one thing Bruce Robinson was paranoid about, thinking that if people laugh now, it will be funeral in the cinema – to which Paul told him that was wrong and that they were laughing because it was funny). Some scenes had to be re-shot several times because the sound man could hear the laughter!
You probably wouldn’t want to watch the film with the narrative running (normally, that is) but it is interesting just to check out what’s been said. Also you get a series of pre-shoot black and white Polaroid’s by Ralph Steadman, showing Richard and Paul larking about and “getting into character” by laying in baths and putting their feet in toilet bowls, etc., lots of funny faces being pulled and so on. All in all a great DVD to own!