Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Richard E. Grant Twitter Q & A


REG will be having a Twitter Q & A on Saturday 22 December 2012, where he’ll be on hand to answer questions from other Twitter followers. To tweet your question, just head over to Richard E Grant on Twitter

This is Richard’s first Twitter Q & A since taking over the reigns of the account a couple of weeks or so ago. Before then the account was used to tweet what was happening on The Temple website and to keep followers up to date on what was happening in REG’s world. Suffice to say its good to have him in the chair now, and fans will begin to get more of an insight in regards to all things REG.

So ask away on the 22nd – past projects, new projects, acting, writing, directing, likes, dislikes etc. etc. If you have a burning question that you just need to know the answer to then this is your chance!

This page has been filed under 2012, News.