The Surgeon
REG stars with Peter Capaldi and Rebecca Callard in this sci-fi thriller.
A group of para-psychologists trapped in a disused hospital by a creature that travels around in a machine made of living human beings. A fast-paced shocker by Parade Films, has special effects by the people who designed for ALIENS, ROBOCOP, and THE FIFTH ELEMENT.”
Creators: John Dorans, Jaeson Fin, Craig Forrester.
Pages: 28
Format: US Colour Cover
Issues Available: One Off Special.
Cover Price: 2.00
Based on the excellent screenplay from Parade Films, this bloodthirsty thriller is a sure fire hit. With some stunning black and white artwork reminiscent of David Lloyd, that illustrates some truly gruesome scenes.
This comic is selling extremely fast, so order now to secure your copy!
Less than 10 copies in stock
Update: Issues 1+2 now withdrawn from UK sales!
Due for a 1999 release?