Richard E. Grant – Official Website




The Waterford-Kamhlaba school was set up in Swaziland in the early 60’s by a visionary Englishman called Michael Stern as a direct response to the apartheid regime in neighbouring South Africa. It was the first multi-racial co-ed school on the continent and has consistently aimed, and achieved, at educating academically gifted kids, many of whom have no financial means of support. Richard E. Grant attended the school in the seventies, along with Nelson Mandella’s daughters. It’s a school that aims to create an academic-intellectual ‘elite’, which is needed even more urgently, now that the brain-drain from Southern Africa has been so severe. The need for highly skilled, University trained leaders in every field will decide the future of the region. It is a cause to which Richard E. Grant is totally and utterly committed.

£10 equals the buying power of $100 in the local currency, at the current exchange rate. It costs about $5,000 US dollars to fully bursary fund a student through a year’s schooling. We aim to try and raise £500,000 in the next year which is the equivalent, in local Swaziland currency, to $5 million!

The school has a website:

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