Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Withnail And I In Stellavision


Brighton Outdoor Screening – 24th July 1999


Spend a hot summer’s evening relaxing in the great outdoors, enjoying a pint or two of Stella Artois and watching the classic British drinking comedy Withnail And I-for free!

AH THE ENGLISH SUMMER, THE SOUND of leather on willow, lazy picnics on starched white linen. Massive cinema screens belting out movie classics under the stars.

That’s the way it’s going to be this summer as Stella Artois repeats its massively successful Stella Screen Outdoor Tour-a chance to see one of the world’s finest films as God intended, as part of a tour which attracted over 100,000 happy punters last year-specifically home-grown masterpiece Withnail And I.

To take advantage of a night movie heaven courtesy of Stella (and their big celluloid pal Channel 4 who’ll be screening the movie a week after the Brighton screening), simply turn up on the specified dates and venues below and enjoy some of the finest comedy experiences in Christendom.


-Stella Screen Brighton Beach, Brighton, July 24

Free outdoor film spectacular

-Channel 4 Withnail And I night, July 31

Withnail And Us-a documentary about the making of the movie

Withnail On The Pier-classix scenes and vox pops from the sudience at Brighton Beach Withnail and I-main feature

GENERALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE ONE of the funniest and most widely quoted movies of the last decade, Withnail And I follows two out-of-work actors, Withnail (Richard E. Grant) and Marwood (Paul McGann), as they escape the city to holiday in the cottage of Withnail’s oddball Uncle Monty. As their vacation collapses into a morass of drunkenness, dead fish and unwanted sexual advances from the old duffer himself, they realise that at least one of them must move on. It is, of course, a given that any true comedy fan should be able to recite the key scenes word-for-word. But if you’re a bit rusty, or simply not quite that sad, here’s a refresher course.


“This is the morning . . .”

THE LOWDOWN: Withnail surveys their tip of a house.
THE BOOZE: Sixty hours’ worth of wine.

Withnail: Right you fucker. I’m going to do the washing up.

Marwood: No, no you can’t. It’s impossible. I swear to you. I’ve looked into it. Listen to me, listen. There are things in there. . .There’s a teabag growing. You haven’t slept for 60 hours, you’re in no state to tackle it. Wait for the morning, we’ll go in together.

Withnail: This is the morning. Stand aside!

Marwood: You don’t understand. I think there may be something living in there.

Withnail: What do you mean? A rat?

Marwood: Possibly. It’s possible.

Withnail: Then the fucker will rue the day! (Seeing the kitchen devastation) Oh Christ Almighty. Keep back. . .keep back! The entire sink’s gone rotten.

TRIVIA: Daniel Day-Lewis was originally asked to play Withnail but turned the role down.

“You should never mix your drinks . . .”

THE LOWDOWN: Suffering from intense cold, Withnail imbibes lighter fluid.
THE BOOZE: Wine and lighter fluid combo plus “paint stripper”.

Withnail: I must have some booze, I demand to have some booze! (He eyes a can of lighter fuel)

Marwood: I wouldn’t drink that if i was you.

Withnail: Why not?

Marwood: Because I wouldn’t advise it. Even the wankers on the site wouldn’t drink that. That’s worse than meths.

Withnail: Nonsense! This is far superior drink than meths. The wankers don’t drink it because they can’t afford it. (He swigs and grins) Got any more?

Marwood: No.

Withanil: Liar! What’s in your toolbox?

Marwood: We don’t have anything. Sit down.

Withnail: Liar! You’ve got anti-freeze!

Marwood: You bloody fool. You should never mix your drinks.

TRIVIA: The lighter fluid was vinegar, the consumption of which made Grant barf for real over McGann’s shoes.

“Miss Blenehassitt . . .”

THE LOWDOWN: The drunken pair attempt to procure afternoon tea in a Penrith tearoom.
THE BOOZE: Tea-plus quadruple shorts and pints prior to their arrival.

Marwood: Just bring out the cakes.

Withnail: Cakes and fine wines.

Proprietor: If you don’t leave, we’ll call the police.

Withnail: Balls! We want the finest wines available to humanity. We want them here and we want them now.

Proprietor: Miss Blenehassitt, telephone the police.

TRIVIA: Teetotaller Grant got into character by swigging a tumbler of vodka and a dash of Pepsi.

“Camberwell Carrot . . .”

THE LOWDOWN: The pair return home only to find drug dealer Danny skinning up in their living room.
THE BOOZE: Erm . . . “herbs”

Withnail: What are you going to do with those?

Danny: The joint I am about to roll requires a craftsman. It ca utilise up to 12 skins. It is called a Camberwell Carrot.

Marwood: It’s impossible to use 12 pages on one joint.

Danny: It is impossible to make a camberwell Carrot with anything less.

Withnail: Who says it’s a Camberwell Carrot?

Danny: I do. I invented it in Camberwell and it looks like a carrot.

TRIVIA: Originally envisaged as a novel, the story ended with Withnail blowing his head off with a shotgun.


For more information on the Stella Screen Outdoor Tour and other Stella activity, check out the website at:

Stella Screen Outdoor Tour in association with The Guardian and supported by Channel 4.

This page has been filed under 1999, Articles.