Welcome To The REG Temple
The REG Temple is the official website for actor, author and director Richard E. Grant.
Richard has appeared in over 80 films and television programs, such as Withnail And I, The Scarlet Pinmpernel, Jack & Sarah, L.A. Story, Dracula, The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Gosford Park & The Iron Lady. In 2005 he directed his first major release, Wah-Wah.
This website is unique in that it has been run and maintained by volunteers and fans since 1998. For more information on its origins, please click here.

The first teaser trailer has arrived online for ITV’s upcoming action adventure series Jekyll and Hyde starring Tom Bateman, Natalie Gumede, Richard E Grant, Donald Sumpter and Natalie Hyam. Check it out below…
Set in 1930’s London at a time of Hollywood glamour, aerodynamic cars and monster movies, the drama will pay homage to the Stevenson novel, and focus on the young, attractive, troubled hero, Robert Jekyll, the grandson of the original doctor.
At the heart of the drama is Robert Jekyll’s quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his ‘curse’. One actor will play the lead role Jekyll transforming into Hyde in moments of extreme anger, stress and when his or the lives of others are threatened.
[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Films-TV-Theatre/Trailers/JekyllAndHydeTeaserTrailer1.mp4″ splashimage=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Films-TV-Theatre/Trailers/JekyllAndHydeTeaserTrailer1.jpg” width=”400″ height=”” /]
Fragrance Foundation UK – 29th May, 2015
Here are some pics of REG being interviewed and accepting his award for ‘Best New Independent Fragrance’ at The 2015 Fragrance Foundation UK Awards. A highlights video is also included below.

[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Sightings/TheFragranceFoundationUKAwards2015.mp4″ splashimage=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Sightings/TheFragranceFoundationUKAwards2015.jpg” width=”400″ height=”” /]
AutocarPro.in – 28th May, 2015

Sandro Scharlibbe, EVP (Purchasing) Brose Group. Actor Richard E. Grant (left) and Alexander F Kleiner, GM EMEA, Coupa Software Inc., presented the award.
Here’s a pic of REG presenting at the Procurement Leaders Awards 2015. Procurement Leaders is a global purchasing association whose award is considered the ‘Oscar’ for excellent procurement management. The prize was awarded on May 28 in London.
The Brose Group received the internationally recognized award for its innovative purchasing management. The automotive supplier won the award in the ‘Innovation’ category against corporations such as IT and consulting firm IBM, sporting goods manufacturer Nike and chemicals group DuPont.
Fragrance Foundation UK – 28th May, 2015
REG is throwing his support behind The Fragrance Foundation’s ‘Marty The Mighty Nose’.
Marty the Mighty Nose is a free resource for teachers offering easy and inspiring ideas for using the sense of smell to bring classroom learning to life.
The project is fronted by Marty, the faraway leader of a tribe of smell-loving characters who love nothing better than to hunt out interesting whiffs.

Pictured here: Richard, Marty & CEO Of The Fragrance Foundation Linda Key
The Fragrance Foundation are recruiting volunteers to run these workshops so please email hello@martythemightynose.org for more information.
[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Charities/MartyTheMightyNose.mp4″ splashimage=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Charities/MartyTheMightyNose.jpg” width=”400″ height=”” /]
[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Charities/MartyTheMightyNoseWorkshops.mp4″ splashimage=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Charities/MartyTheMightyNoseWorkshops.jpg” width=”400″ height=”” /]
Marty The Mighty Nose Workshops.
To find out more, go to the Marty The Mighty Nose website.
Thanks to Odette Toilette & Mammoth Events for filming the video.