Welcome To The REG Temple
The REG Temple is the official website for actor, author and director Richard E. Grant.
Richard has appeared in over 80 films and television programs, such as Withnail And I, The Scarlet Pinmpernel, Jack & Sarah, L.A. Story, Dracula, The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Gosford Park & The Iron Lady. In 2005 he directed his first major release, Wah-Wah.
This website is unique in that it has been run and maintained by volunteers and fans since 1998. For more information on its origins, please click here.

ArtFund.org – 5th March, 2015
1500 Renoirs, 1000 Monets, 900 Pissarros; without Paul Durand-Ruel there would be no Impressionist masterpieces.
Actor Richard E. Grant gives a tour of the National Gallery’s spring blockbuster Inventing Impressionism, a celebration of art dealer Durand-Ruel who championed a revolutionary group of artists painting real subjects in vivid, atmospheric colours and en plein air.
Inventing Impressionism is on at the National Gallery, London until 31 May 2015, 50% off with a National Art Pass.
[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Other/ArtFund-REGOnInventingImpressionism.mp4″ splashimage=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Other/ArtFund-REGOnInventingImpressionism.jpg” width=”400″ height=”” /]
BBC Who’s In Today website – 4th March, 2015
The actor Richard E. Grant arrives on The One Show this evening to talk about his new TV series for the Discovery Channel. Titled 7 Deadly Sins, the series looks at where these deadly sins came from – and then explores how they affect humans and the animal kingdom.
… and below is a video of REG actually on the show.
[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Interviews/TheOneShow-4thMarch2015.mp4″ splashimage=”http://www.richard-e-grant.com/Multimedia/Interviews/TheOneShow-4thMarch2015.jpg” width=”400″ height=”” /]
If you’re a glutton for more Grant, you can hear him on the Radio 2 Arts Show, and discussing his recent appearance in The Water Babies on Radio 4’s Front Row.
champions-speakers.co.uk – 25th February, 2015
Ben Cohen
Champions Speakers are pleased to confirm the booking of British actor, screenwriter and director Richard E Grant to host the 2015 HFM European Hedge Fund Services Awards at the prestigious Hurlingham Club in London on Thursday 16th April.
The Awards will celebrate those hedge fund service providers that have stood out in this competitive marketplace over the past 12 months, rewarding those that have outperformed their peers and demonstrated impressive customer service, product development and growth.
We were tasked with sourcing and supplying a host of Richard’s calibre by Pageant Media Ltd, who we have enjoyed working with on previous occasions. We look forward to forging a long term relationship with the company by booking talent for many of their future events.
Champions Speakers has a host of motivational speakers with individual expertise across a variety of different fields. Book one of our after dinner speakers by filling out their online form or calling them on +44 1509 85 29 27
23rd February, 2015
U.S. fans can watch Richard’s appearance on McKenna. The endlessly curious but often skeptical, Richard E. Grant, is a challenging guest for best-selling author and Hynotherapist, Paul McKenna. His energy and intellect are on full display as the two discuss the morality of revenge.
To check out REG, click here.